Apple has ended the long running rumors about it’s 4-inch iPhone and released the iPhone SE at the Apple event. The phone features similar design like iPhone 5s with the latest generation A9 chip accompanied by a dual core 1.85GHz processor and PowerVR GT7600 six-core GPU.
The phone features a 4 inch display with an resolution of 1136×640 pixels with a pixel density of 326ppi. The resolution of iPhone SE is lower than it’s counterpart – iPhone 6s and 6s Plus. Unfortunately, the 3D touch which was present in iPhone 6s and 6s Plus has not been integrated in iPhone SE.
Coming to the camera, the phone features a 12MP iSight camera, which is similar to iPhone 6s and 6s Plus. The phone can also record video in 4K. The phone also features a 1.2MP front facing camera accompanied by the Retina flash, which makes the phone’s display 3 times brighter.
The design of iPhone SE is similar to it’s sibling – iPhone 5 and 5s but the phone is alot more sweeter and smarter due to the integration of Touch ID (1st Gen) and Apple Pay. Surprisingly the iPhone SE also weighs in about 113 grams which is similar to iPhone 5s.
The iPhone SE comes in two variants, with 16GB variant costing $399, whereas you can get a tad bit of extended storage of 64GB storage at $499. The phone will be available in four color variants including the Rose Gold. The iPhone SE will be available for pre-orders from March 24 and will go on sale from March 31.