It looks like Xiaomi is trying to follow the footstep of Samsung and Huawei in chipset business, although the company had already unveiled the Redmi 2A with a Leadcore chipset. The name might not sound familiar to most of the people but the partnership between the two companies lead to the formation of Beijing Songguo. The company’s major stake is owned by Xiaomi(about 51%), while Leadcore owns around 49%.
All thanks to the partnership between the two companies, now we might get to see a new chipset in the market, entitled Pinecone. In case you’re wondering, the new chipset from the company already has an official Weibo page.
As rumors suggest, the first release will feature two models, Pinecone 1 and Pinecone 2. The former one will boast an octa-core Cortex-A53 CPU, while the Pinecone 2 will bear more horsepower with four Cortex- A73 cores and four Cortex-A53 cores. Both chipsets are believed to be built in 10nm process, however, there hasn’t been any indication about the GPU.
If rumors are to be believed, the incipient phone that will use the Pinecone chipset could be the upcoming Xiaomi Mi 5c. Xiaomi basically has relied on Qualcomm’s Snapdragon and MediaTek’s Helio till now but the new chipset could mean that Snapdragon chipset will be used for the west whereas the Pinecone for the east — just like Samsung’s Exynos.
Source: Anzhuo