Following the latest trend of wide-screen displays, Micromax has officially unveiled the Canvas Infinity in India. The main highlight of this budget-oriented handset tends to be the 18:9 display with curved corners resembling it to the recently launched Q6 from LG. In fact, LG also calls it Full-Vision display.
Despite featuring an appealing design, the specification of the phone looks lackluster. Inside, it is powered by Snapdragon 425 chipset accompanied by 3GB of RAM and 32GB of onboard storage which can be expanded via a microSD card.
There’s a 13MP camera at the back with f/2.0 aperture and PDAF, while selfies are taken care by a 16MP sensor with soft flash and Real Time Bokeh effect. The whole phone boots on Android 7.0 Nougat(with a promised update to Android Oreo) and packs a decent 2900mAh battery.
The handset will go on sale exclusively from Amazon India on 1st September for INR. 9,999. However, we are unknown about its availability in Nepal.