Qualcomm announces the descendant to its Snapdragon 855 chipset — the Snapdragon 865. Similarly, it also comes up with a new mid-range chipset with the assimilation of 5G — the Snapdragon 765/765G. It happened as a part of the company’s new modular platform on the first day of its annual summit on Tuesday.
The announcement now allows carriers to implement their 5G technologies to the new Qualcomm chipsets.
The new SD865 can be paired with Snapdragon X55 Modem, a successor to Snapdragon X50 Modem offering more power efficiency, higher theoretical down/up speeds, and comes with SA/NSA networks support. Moreover, the Snapdragon X55 Modem comes with both mmWave and Sub-6 GHz 5G networks support providing enhanced bandwidth on Sub-6GHz.
Similarly, other announcements from Qualcomm include a new in-display fingerprint technology namely 3D Sonic Max that allows a fecundly larger working area. This also allows users to authenticate with two fingers. For instance, they can use both their thumbs. Qualcomm also claims that the accuracy of the scanner is also immensely enhanced.
However, when Samsung used the 3D Sonic Sensor in its Galaxy S10, it turned out to be offtimes slow, fickle, and difficult to trigger with precision. And the sensor turned out to cause problems during authentication when certain screen protectors were used.
So, we’ll have to see what the future holds for Qualcomm’s new 3D Sonic Max technology.