Qualcomm has announced the ‘Plus’ variant of the Snapdragon 865 SoC, the Snapdragon 865 Plus with changes including a 10% increase in the CPU clock speed — from 2.84GHz to 3.1GHz and the FastConnect 6900. This means the SD 865 Plus will be the first SoC to reach the 3GHz frequency mark.
The chipset is set to be used in the two upcoming gaming smartphones, Asus ROG Phone 3 and Lenovo Legion. The Asus ROG Phone 3 could be official on July 22 while the Lenovo Legion is set to release within July. Also, ROG Phone II featured the Snapdragon 855 Plus chipset with a 2.96GHz frequency.
Just like the SD 865, the new SD 865 Plus uses the same old Kryo 585 core atop remaining cores running at 2.42GHz and supports 144Hz display, while it’s expected to achieve the rightful frame rate during gaming to leverage the refresh rates. It uses the same external X55 modem for global 5G connectivity with sub-6 GHz and mmWave support. Other similarities include the ISP with Spectra 480 and DSP with Hexagon 698 and the Quick Charge 4.0+ with AI control.
It comes with the FastConnect 6900 hardware offering support to the latest Wi-Fi 6E that delivers speeds up to 3.2Gbps and latency below 3 ms. The hardware enhancement brings in support for the Bluetooth 5.2 with apt X, which is adaptive for 96kHz audio aside support for the dual Bluetooth antenna.
Apart from the Asus ROG Phone 3 and Lenovo Legion, we have not heard from anyone making use of the Snapdragon 865 Plus. However, we are pretty sure that smartphone makers will incorporate the new chipset in their upcoming flagships.