Indian handset company, Lava has launched a new feature phone, the Lava Pulse with heart rate and blood pressure sensor at INR 1,949. It keeps the sensor at the back next to the camera. And all you need to do is put your finger at the sensor, and you’ll get results on the screen.
However, the fact is that finger-based blood pressure measurements are deemed to be inaccurate in the first place, so you shouldn’t totally place your bet on the phone. The feature phone is purposefully built to make phone calls and should be mainly used for that only.
Lava Pulse sports a 2.4-inch display with QVGA 240 x 320 pixels resolution and 65K colors. It comes with a 32MB RAM and memory expandable up to 32GB. Around the back lies a primary camera that supports video recording and zoom alongside the speaker.
For multimedia consumption, the device looks pretty good on paper with features including music player, video player, and FM player with wireless and recording capabilities. It even supports USB connectivity and Bluetooth while missing out on a number of other features like GPRS, EDGE, and Java.
It uses a 1,800mAh cell to keep its lights on that is said to last around 6 days once fully charged excluding activities like playing the pre-installed games such as Snake.
The phone is up for sale in India via Amazon, Flipkart, and brick and mortar stores and yet to arrive in Nepal. Be with us for future updates including the price of Lava Pulse in Nepal.