Samsung’s new Exynos 2100 reportedly outruns the upcoming Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 flagship chipset in terms of multi-threaded performance. Ice Universe has revealed the upcoming Exynos processor’s score with single-core and multi-threaded CPU performance maxing out to 1,108 and 3,963 points respectively.
Both the Exynos 2100 and Snapdragon 888 are scheduled to be released in the first quarter of 2021. The Exynos flagship is scheduled for 12 January 2021.
The Geekbench score for the previous Exynos iteration was 1,006 and 3,059 on single-core and multi-threaded performance respectively. If the new CPU scores turn out to be true, that’s a major leap for Exynos.
Meanwhile, Qualcomm released the CPU scores for its Snapdragon 888 as well, which goes as high as 1,135 and 3,794 points.