The Snapdragon 480, which was launched just a week ago, has found a new home in Vivo Y31s. It makes this phone, the first of its kind to feature the 400-series chipset with 5G support.
The Vivo Y31s has a 6.58inch IPS LCD panel with FHD+ resolution and a 90Hz refresh rate. There’s a waterdrop notch at the top that holds an 8MP selfie camera. At the back, we have a 13MP primary camera alongside a 2MP depth module and an LED flash.
And with the Snapdragon 480 chipset inside, the Vivo Y31s brings in support for both mmWave and Sub-6GHz 5G networks. The SD 480 also offers a significant increase in CPU and GPU performance in comparison to the Snapdragon 460. You can choose between the 4GB or 6GB RAM variant, while the storage remains at 128GB. The phone also has a 5,000mAh battery with 18W fast charging, while it boots on FunTouch OS 10.5 layered on top of Android 11.
As for the price, Vivo Y31s goes for CNY 1,498 for the 4GB/128GB version, which is around NPR 27,000 in Nepal. For the 6GB/128GB, it costs CNY 1,698 (~NPR 30,600). The phone is already up for sales in China.