Facebook is reportedly working on a smartwatch that is said to run on open-source Android though it’s also coming up with its operating system that is expected to be used in the company’s 2nd Gen smartwatch arriving no later than 2023. The smartwatch from Facebook will come with health and messaging features.
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The Facebook smartwatch will have an obvious integration with its own products including Messenger, Instagram, and WhatsApp as well as cellular connectivity for fast messaging, hence you don’t need to depend on a smartphone for the same.
The company is even said to allow users to connect its smartwatch with the likes of Peloton Interactive and their services. Peloton Interactive is an exercise equipment and media company based in the US. And this means you can connect the smartwatch to access and leverage services from health and fitness companies as well.
On the other hand, this could mean access to further data concerning the health and fitness of the people for Facebook that further raises questions about privacy considering how the company has already been called several times in the past regarding the same.
Facebook is yet to announce the smartwatch, however, expected to get disclosed not sooner than 2022. Though The Information affirms it to arrive at a price “near cost to produce it”, lesser than the Watch SE and Watch Series 6 from Apple.