PUBG lovers can rejoice as WorldLink is testing CDN server for PUBG in Nepal. The largest ISP of Nepal partnered up with Tencent to set up CDN servers in Nepal, and this is said to load maps faster including the gaming environments too. Prior to this, WorldLink also set up CDN servers for TikTok in Nepal.
‘Ping times’ is often discussed among gaming communities to refer to the poor online gaming experience. This follows the rise of game CDN. The concept of game CDN (Content Delivery Network) is relatively old. For instance, a million users requesting the upcoming game patch is sufficient enough to take a toll on the main server.
Network latency is inevitable in the global gaming community. To understand this, you can imagine a user who is a few miles away and another user who is several thousand miles away from the server. The latter will most likely face latency. Of course, there are other reasons as well including network congestion and slow Wi-Fi connectivity.
With an internet service provider — WorldLink in our case — adding CDN with high-speed infrastructure, data will no longer have to travel several miles. Remember, network latency is generally the result of traffic that is rerouted from its own network to a server.
When a CDN is nearer to the user, the hops that are required to get to a destination are decreased and so is the ping, though a bad ISP or weak broadband will do the opposite.
WorldLink has just finished testing two of the CDN server for PUBG up till now with more getting added in the future, which is good news for all PUBG gamers in Nepal. Getting a ‘Chicken Dinner’ is tastier than ever before.