Qualcomm has unveiled the latest iteration of its 5G chipset, the Snapdragon 750G with noise suppression, all thanks to the AI alongside 120fps gaming. The S750G costs lesser than the S765 chipset while still asserted to be a faster alternative to the S690 chipset.
Alike the S765 processor, the new S750G comes with an X52 modem and uses a mmWave 5G with download speed maxing out up to 3.7Gbps in comparison to 2.5Gbps in the S690. Similarly, it is said to be a “truly global 5G chipset with multi-SIM support” with Sub-6 support.
The processor leverages AI hardware delivering up to 4.0 TOPS for the Fluence AI noise suppression system even with a single mic while eliminating sounds such as a baby crying and the dog barking and muting sirens and jackhammers. This is 20% more than the S730G chipset.
Ideal for work from home, the audio processing is even flaunted to enhance whisper-level input to comfortably audible levels. It even brings in bespoke optimizations accelerating Snapchat filters.
The S750G comes with an octa-core Kryo 570 processor with 2.2GHz clock speed, bringing in enhancement in performance by 20% in contrast to the S730G. The camera hardware is able to record 4K HDR10 videos with HLG and 4K HDR with a bokeh effect.
Meanwhile, the Adreno 619 GPU is now 10% faster in comparison to the S730G GPU supporting a 120Hz display with up to 1080p+ resolution. During HDR10 graphics rendering, the processor is bundling up the Game Color Plus along with the Adreno HDR Fast Blend for efficiency.
Regarding the release, Xiaomi will be the first company to be using the Snapdragon 750G chipset in its smartphone. The chipset being pin-compatible with the Snapdragon 690, it’s regarded as an easy adoption for the manufacturers. The likes of Deutsche Telekom and Verizon are also elevated about the new chipset.